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Congerstone Primary School

Inspiring each other to achieve success

Congerstone March 2017 - 33
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Welcome to Congerstone Primary School.

We are very proud of our school and our website will provide some key information, however, the best way of getting a real sense of our welcoming village school, is to come and see us.

Here at Congerstone Primary School we welcome children, their parents and carers into our friendly, happy and hardworking environment which aims to value everyone for the unique qualities they bring. Positive attitudes towards work, respect for others and excellent behaviour are an essential part of everyday routines. Staff, governors, children and parents work hard to ensure children become self-motivated, responsible and independent learners. Our stimulating and supportive environment ensures every child reaches his or her full potential.

The key to our school, through our mission statement is simply,

‘Inspiring each other to achieve success.’

Congerstone continues to be a “Good” school and was most recently inspected by OFSTED in March 2023. We were delighted by the Inspector’s comments which included “Smiles are consistently commonplace” and “School has a community feel; the staff genuinely care about the children and want them to fulfil their potential”

A complete OFSTED inspection report, can be found here: Ofsted Site

I do hope that you find our website interesting and informative. If you have any further questions, or would like to visit our school, please contact the school office.

We would love to show you around.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Alison Ruff


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Have a look at what we're doing today...

Diary Dates

Dates for the diary

“School has a community feel. The staff genuinely care about the children and want them to fulfil their potential”

Ofsted Report March 2023

Home: Quote

Contact Us

Headteacher: Mrs Alison Ruff

Designatied Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Alison Ruff

SENDCo: Mrs Debbie Powell

Chair of Governors: Mrs Sandra Smith

Designated Safeguarding Link Governor: Mrs Hannah Wood

Anti-Bullying Link Governor: Mrs Hannah Wood

Office Administration Contact:

Miss Caroline Hunter

Mrs Deborah Brammall

Congerstone Primary School is a Local Authority Maintained School

Shackerstone Road, Congerstone, Warwickshire, CV13 6NH, UK

01827 880243

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01827 880243

©2020 Congerstone Primary School

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